We have been breeding Pointers for over 40 years, and Border Terriers for 20 years, living in rural Canterbury N.Z.
Pointers hold a special place in our hearts, but Lyn always wanted a 'country terrier' and eventually settled on the Border Terrier. Two main things attracted her to Borders, their easy-going temperament and ability to peacefully co-exist with other dogs.
Borders are a relatively healthy breed, this is very important to us. We strive to only breed from the best healthy bloodlines and all our dogs are 'slem' tested clear. We offer lifetime support for owners of our dogs, over the years we have experienced most of the problems that can occur with dogs and can usually help owners with any concerns they may have.
We are lucky to have had the help of several people over the years with our breeding.
First of all the late Robert Bartram, ("Craigend", NSW Aust) who sold us our first Border in the year 2000. He had a lifetime's experience in Borders, knew all the important breeders in the UK, and always was willing to help us.
Joy Wangler ("Kalan" Ballarat, Aust). Joy was kind enough to let us use her highly successful import Aust Grand CH & Fin & NZ CH Foxforest One for the Road (Jesse).
This enabled us to breed our Ziggi (Ch.Barton Theta) who was both a successful sire and a winner in the showring. Using our Jesse frozen semen we recently bred our Carlos (Ch.Barton Blues and Twos). We cannot thank Joy enough for this and her extremely generous help and support over the years.
This enabled us to breed our Ziggi (Ch.Barton Theta) who was both a successful sire and a winner in the showring. Using our Jesse frozen semen we recently bred our Carlos (Ch.Barton Blues and Twos). We cannot thank Joy enough for this and her extremely generous help and support over the years.
Pip Graham ("Bramble" N.Z.), Stu Mintrom, & Gail O'Keefe for breeding our CH Bramble Country Road. "Sage" is the matriarch of our Borders, a daughter of the lovely "Jorja" and all our current Borders descend from her.
Tegan Whalan & Bill Walkey for helping us use Aust CH Dalshoj Chippendale (imp Denmark). His special combination of UK and Skandinavian lines enabled us to breed our Felix (Ch.Barton Northern Light).
"Felix" not only won Best In Show at the Canterbury Combined Terrier Club Ch Show, he also went on to sire our delightful Luisetta (Carasway Double de Jorga at Barton) bred by Cara O'Neill.
"Felix" not only won Best In Show at the Canterbury Combined Terrier Club Ch Show, he also went on to sire our delightful Luisetta (Carasway Double de Jorga at Barton) bred by Cara O'Neill.
"Luisetta" never fails to charm all who meet her and is proving to be a successful brood bitch and great ambassador for the breed. Her puppies all share her lovely temperament and 'joie de vivre', delighting their owners.
Most recently, thanks to Stewart McPherson & Janet Lee (UK) we have been able to start introducing their famous Brumberhill & Tythrop bloodlines into our breeding. We have long admired their dogs and are very grateful for them allowing us access to their dogs. The first of these is our new young dog "Jimi" (Wauldby Maitre D Imp Aust AI) bred by Lorraine Whittaker. Sired by Brumberhill Butler (UK) he will be a valuable addition to our lines.
We do not breed very often, usually when we need a new dog for ourselves, however puppy enquiries are always welcomed so please do contact us if interested.
Sometimes older dogs are available for rehoming, if interested please contact us.
Canterbury, N.Z.
email: dunscomb@chch.planet.org.nz